
Our approach to gorvernance

The governance principles enable us to act effectively, prudently and efficiently, while building trust, inclusion, accountability, legitimacy, responsiveness, transparency and fairness. We will demonstrate effectiveness, responsible management and ethical behavior.

The governance principles enable us to act effectively, prudently and efficiently, while building trust, inclusion, accountability, legitimacy, responsiveness, transparency and fairness. We will demonstrate effectiveness, responsible management and ethical behavior.


  • Improved long-term value creation for stakeholders.
  • Effective management of resources.
  • Improved organizational resilience and performance.
  • Improved effectiveness of decision making.
  • Improved staff diversity and retention.
  • Increased investor and creditor confidence.
  • Increased value of intangible assets.

Corporate Social Responsibility

PART 1 : Governance

Management commitment and strategic initiatives


Take responsibility for the impact of our decisions and activities and integrate social responsibility into our operations, vision and strategy, as well as into our relationships with stakeholders.


Include CSR in the policy and strategic project of our company.


What we do

Application of ISO 26000 standards
Social Responsibility

Integrating social responsibility can be done through practical, simple and cost-effective actions and is not and cost-effective and need not be complex or expensive.

Social responsibility involves taking an integrative approach to managing the activities and impacts our organization.


PART 2 : Social and Human Rights

Development of human capital and fight against discrimination


To guarantee the long-term preservation of the company’s know-how, to encourage innovation and to rely on flexible, competent teams that can adapt to changes in the business, while avoiding any form of discrimination.


Promote the development of employees’ skills, whoever they may be, in order to increase their employability and give them the means to progress while enriching, preserving and transmitting the know-how of each individual.


What we do

Application of ISO 30415 standards
Human resource management — Diversity and inclusion


Support for LGBTIQ+ people

Atlante Technologies supports The Partnership for Global LGBTIQ+ Equality, a coalition of organizations committed to leveraging their individual and collective action to accelerate LGBTIQ+ equality and inclusion around the world and drive positive change.



What we do

Application of ISO 30415 standards
Human resource management — Diversity and inclusion


Support for people with autism

Atlante Technologies supports The Neurodiversity Foundation, a charitable organization for autistic and neurodivergent children. In partnership with the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and MITACS for the project of creation of the Inclusive Innovation Community. The organization is also focusing on the construction of the Innovation Centre for children with autism.


PART 3: Environment

Energy management


Controlling our environmental impact, improving our eco-efficiency and gaining in competitiveness.


Prevent air, water and soil pollution and ensure better energy management.


What we do

Application of ISO 50001 standards
Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

Use energy responsibly

Energy management starts with the structuring of the process. The model proposed by ISO 50001 remains a good model to reproduce in an organization.


PART 4: Fair Practices

Fight against corruption


Fight against corruption by guaranteeing transparency and fair competition with other organizations and participate in the sustainable development of our territories.


Build balanced, mutually beneficial and transparent relationships with all its stakeholders, enabling each link in the chain to sustain its activity.


What we do

Application of ISO 31022 standards
Risk management – Guidelines for the management of legal risk

Fight against corruption

Legal risk management is an iterative activity and must be integrated into all activities and operations of our organization in order to create and preserve value.


PART 5: Consumers

Consumer data and privacy protection


Customer data protection becomes a driving force in the user experience, taking on the same level of importance as functionality. Companies have a duty to produce safe and healthy products and to market them in conditions that make them accessible to customers and consumers.


To provide all consumers with access to products that are proven to be safe and whose quality and purchasing conditions inspire and nurture long-term confidence.


What we do

Application of ISO 31700 standards
Consumer protect

– Privacy by design for consumer goods and services
– Part 1: High-level requirement.

Consumer data and privacy protection

Privacy by design means that privacy is seamlessly integrated into products, services and system designs by default. 


What we do

Application of ISO 27001 standard
Information security management

Application of the ISO 27002 standard
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Information security controls

Information security management and controls


What we do

Data Protection

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a new leadership role created with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The DPO is the cornerstone of accountability, a role that can facilitate compliance and competitive advantage for our company.


PART 6: Communities and local development

Job creation and skills development


The creation of jobs and value is an asset for the sustainability of our organization, its acceptance and its responsiveness. It also contributes to the general improvement of the standard of living and quality of life.


Contribute to the general elevation of the standard of living, quality of life and a prosperous and quality economic environment.